Friday 19 August 2011


Ok, so I have gotten a few comments and an email asking if I am going to continue blogging in Kenya and the answer is YES!!! I am :) I also like to thank everyone who reads my blog and leave sweet comments. It is really warming and you guys are the reason for me continuing to blog.

1. Clothes (shorts, jeans, shirts, sweaters, shoes, dresses, skirts)
2. Perfume
3. Towels
4. Pillows
5. Toiletteries
6. Movies+The Sims
7. Computer
8. Ipod
9. Mobile phone
10. Bikini+bathingsuit
11. Pictures+posters (of Michael Jackson)
12. Empty photo album
13. Adressbook
14. Jewellery
15. Candy
16. My stuffed toy
17. Reading books

That is pretty much all I can come up with right now. I don't need much more since I get furniture and all that in Kenya... Haha gosh I'm excited now =D

Here are also two quotes that I like :)

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog! its so inspiring! Good luck inKenya! i hope you will love it there, im sure you will! Who are you going to live there with? :) xx
