Friday 30 September 2011

Good Girl!!!

It is Friday, I ended five hours ago. It is weekend now woohoo and I am suppose to be laying in my bed or by the pool, exhausted from the really annoying school week but instead, I went to my room, looked over an essay a couple of times that I wrote yesterday and now I am sitting in the library actually studying even more. I have been here for over an hour, maybe even two...? I actually think this is the first time I do homework on a Friday just because I feel like it (I think my parents will be proud)... but I'm thinking that it is a good thing because then I won't have so much next week and as it looks now, my next week is going to be packed. But this cannot become a habit because nice and relaxing Friday's are good too. Anyways now I am going to continue working so I get at least a little more done. Then I'm going to get ready for tonight when I am going to go for sushi and then clubbing, exciting :)

10 random facts about me

1. My favourite hot drinks are Chai Latte and Caramel Hot Chocolate
2. I'm kind off a dare devil, haha I do things because it seems exciting and cool.

3. Tonight I am going out to a club and PARTYYYY!!!
4. I literally feel more confortable in water than on land
5. I have a very soft side. I have a big empathy and hate to see other people hurt or alone.

6. I get sick easily :(

7. I hate cold winters with snow, slush and minus degrees
8. I LOVE internet stalking celebities and find out stuff about them xD

9. Today I miss my perfume collection more than ever :/ I have so many, but only 5 fit in my suitcase when I moved to Kenya
10. I'm really open towards people and I love getting new friends. But I love my old friends too ;D haha

Today's outfit

Pants: H&M
Shirt: Primark

Thursday 29 September 2011


I love and admire Janet Jackson so incredibly much. She is a wonderful woman and my inspiration <3

Now Michael Jackson is my hero and idol. I'm watching "Why did I get married?" right now with Janet Jackson and she reminds me so much of her beloved brother. Huge fan, the biggest of both <3

Today's outfit

Dress- Indiskan
Shirt- H&M

I'll always be here for you

 You deserve the best, I miss you <3

Here we are

I have a short break now so I thought that I should get some studying done. I'm sitting in the living room that we call the Zebra room while I am writing an essay about Ethiopia and listening to The Pretty Reckless. Great band <3 Anyways, back to the books. An outfit will come up later as promised ;)

Wednesday 28 September 2011


These are not really outfits I know. I don't know what happened, I use to post outfits all the time. Now I hardly ever, but that is going to turn around! Tomorrow, the next day and the next, new outfits will come all the time :) Yay ;)


"During a pre-trial hearing last night, Nareg Gourjian, a lawyer for Murray, claimed that Jackson was unconscious backstage before his March 2009 London news conference for his This Is It concert series, and that he appeared drunk during the announcement itself."

Yesterday was the first trial of Dr. Conrad Murray. It has been more than two years, and he is still free. Now I know many people think he is innocent but I don't! He even admitted that he was responsible, now if it was an accident or not, Michael Jackson is dead because of him. If it were to be an accident then that must be terrible for Dr. Conrad Murray to live with such a thing, but he still killed him and he has no right to go back working as a doctor, what if he did that to someone else? My beliefs have gone up and down the entire time and from being probably MJ's biggest fan, I think about this, him several times a day. I think that Dr. Conrad Murray killed Michael, on purpose. Now I might be wrong, there is a chance that I am and if the trial shows he is innocent then I deserved to be blamed but right now, I think he killed him. Prince Jackson, MJ's oldest child saw Dr. Conrad Murray giving MJ pills, not knowing that those pills would bring Michael to the grave. Michael was addicted to painkillers, he hated it and was ashamed, he didnt say that outload but he was. That is why he hired Dr. Conrad Murray as a doctor to help him stay away from the pills so why the hell would this "professional" doctor give him even more pills?! Now I just read an artical, the writing at the top is from that artical. I feel so strongly that Conrad Murray killed him now after reading it. The reason why is because he made his lawyer lie to the jury because Michael Jackson was NOT drunk during his announcement and he was NOT unconcious before it either. How can I know this, you ask? Have you guys seen This Is It? Well there they show where he walks from his car to the stage. I have seen footage of him, sober and after drinking and I can say that when he announced his concert there in London, he was without a doubt sober. So why would Conrad Murray lie about stuff if he is innocent?

He's bee dead for over two years, and I am still broken about it:

According to the Mirror, Senneff alleges that Dr Conrad Murray (when referring to Jackson) said:

He doesn’t have a problem. He is fine.

He was practising all night. I’m just treating him for dehydration.”

When asked if Jackson was on medication, Murray allegedly replied:

No, he is not taking anything.”

Moments later Dr Murray then allegedly said that he had given Jackson lorazepam “
to help him sleep”.

Senneff then claimed that he saw Dr Murray clearing bottles from the room.
 I love you from the bottom of my heart Michael <3

I got a package from mammmaaaaa


Tuesday 27 September 2011


Goodnight and sleep tight all my wonderful readers <3
A picture of me when I was like six or something and lived in Singapore. Have I changed at all? Hehe

Gossip Girl

I have an hour break now, so I am going to start watching it and then after my last class Swahili, I'm going for frozen youghurt with some people :D fun fun fun
Just buhu Jenny isn't with anymore :(

Monday 26 September 2011

Why is Monday so far from Friday and Friday so close to Monday?!

I have so much to do. I have a load of homework and a messy room that I have to tidy. NOT OK!! I hate Monday's and especially today when I had an extra lesson for some retarded reason...? I want it to be Friday so that I can go out and party and chill and stay up all night, eat unhealthy and just chill but NO it is Monday! GREAT!!!
But I am still happy because Anna, Emilia, Yanjaa, Axel etc came back today from Masai Mara!!! FINALLY! I've missed them <333
A picture of Anna and I from a few days before Masai <3

Song's of the week (African style)

Sunday 25 September 2011

I just don't understand some people

Anonymous said...
it is so obvious that you are a want-to-be. Paris hilton? with the fixing the nails and everything. pathetic if you ask me.we can all see you look good so yo dont have to show it off and post revealing and other pictures of yourself and now you want a elly button peircing and showing pictures of othr people that have it? why would you do that? and then you move to africa and visit orphanages and wild animals and stuff so that you can pretend that you care when you actally dont. it is so obvious you cannot even stick to the same friends. you leave them when you get bored of them like what happened to that julia girl forexample? she suddenly isnt good enough for you anymore? think about it, and we all know now you loaded so u can stop bragging about it now  This comment is a real shock. I couldn't understand what I was reading. I don't even know what this comment is saying? It says like 100 different things here, critisicing everything I do and am. I have a question for you, if this is how you feel about me, then why on earth are you even reading my blog? It is MY blog and I am allowed to post whatever I want on here and I choose to post about my life and if you don't like the way I live my life, then go read someone else's blog?!  How the hell am I a wannabe Paris Hilton is anyway, just because I got my nails done? Maybe I got them done because I think they are prettier this way? And about me posting pictures of myself; I don't do that to show off, I do it because it is my blog and it is just normal for me to have pictures of myself on my blog, don't you think? The other pictures of the belly button piercings were already on the internet for other people to look at and take so why shouldn't I be able to use them? Now that I move to Africa has nothing to do with me pretending or faking anything. I simply wanted a change and there is nothing fake with that. Now we come into the friendship part which makes me angriest of all. HOW THE HELL did you get the idea that I ditch my friends?! Because I don't hang out with Julia anymore? She lives in Sweden, I live in Kenya so it is a little hard to hang out with her but that doesn't mean we are not friends anymore. In fact, we are best friends and nobody will replace her!!! And please tell me what I have written on here that makes me "braggy"???!!! I really damn hope that I have put the right idea into your mind because what you wrote just didn't make any sense!!! 
Julia + Marta= BFFFFFF (I miss you)

I love Gossip Girl

Do you guys watch it? I have been watching it since it came out in what 2007, 2008? It was my favourite show ever. The first couple of seasons were amazing and now I am waiting for season 5 to come out. It comes out on the internet on Wednesday. Anyways, like I said, the first couple of seasons were honestly amazing but then it got worse, at one point I just didn't feel like watching it anymore but I still did just to do it, you know? I started watching 90210 which became my fave show and still is. But now, almost everyone from the boarding including myself just watched the first episode every made and now I remember why I fell so hard for it. Gossip Girl is AMAZING!!! LOOVE <3333

Chuck Bass, sexiest man on TV? I think yes!!

Piercing's are addicting, as fast as you get one, you just want more

osumone said...
other than ears, are u planning to get any other piercings?  Yeah my bellybutton :) (and a few more in my ears)
super pretty with bellybutton piercing <33



 My nails have looked like sh*t for the past couple of weeks but today I can say that I got them fixed with a smile on my face. It took more than 2 hours however and poor Lena had to wait but I'm happy at least =)

I can feel that this is going to be my unlucky day...

OK, so yesterday, everyone started puking around me because apperantly it was something with the food back in Masai Mara but I felt super!!! Then last night when everyone was started to feel good, I started feeling something. I let it pass by me however until it just got worse and worse. I tried watching a movie with the others but I could only concentrate on the pain in my stomach until I gave up and ran into the bathroom and puked. I tried laying down on the coach but everyone around me kept talking. I went to bed and fell asleep around 10!!! 10!!! I have NEVER gone to bed that early. I woke up at 12.30 and realized that I had missed brunch but I was feeling better. Pyttan and I had decided to go to Toi Market together but when I went looking for her, someone told me she had already left because she thought that I was sick. So I asked around asking if someone wanted to join me somewhere but everyone seems to be busy. Now Lena has finally agreed to go and eat brunch at Junction in ten minutes and then I might get my nails done :)
 This bussiness was going on right next to me... FRESH!!! Haha. Now I am going to meet up Lena by the gate and then I'll blog more later, Kisses <3

Saturday 24 September 2011

If life were a book, then the man who never left his home, only read one page

OK, I just got home from Masai Mara (a place in Kenya where there are wild animals and Masai's) and during the past couple of days when I haven't been blogging, I have...

1. Been driving on literally the bumpiest road in the entire world
2. Slept in a military tent
3. Showered outside while a couple of monkey's stare at me
4. Saw a wild lion attack a Zebra
5. Watched a flock of lions eat a dead antilope
6. Stood ten meters away from a crocodile
7. Danced with masai's at a masai village
8. Been chased by a monkey (I have never been so scared)
9. Had a lion head on my head
10. Had an elephant pee a waterfall right next to me
.... and a lot more... yupp... doesn't happen everyday