Wednesday 17 August 2011

I hate goodbyes

Yesterday was actually really fun. I noticed that it is the first time since like Christmas that my entire family is gathered. We all went to town. I bought the last of it for Kenya and then we went and ate at TGI Friday's. We even bumped into a couple family friends. I also met a girl from my school here in Malmö that I haven't seen since school ended but we just briefly said "hello, how are you?" that kinda thing. Then I went to my favourite hairdresser and got my hair done but I have already showed the pictures of my new hair. Directly after that I met up with Amanda, Nicky and Bethan for the last time before I leave. Alex also joined for like ten minutes but then he left again. We went crazy like we always do when we meet. We went into H&M and tried on the ugliest clothes we could find hahaha, classic. Then we went into Gina Tricot and tried on one pieces. Gosh, I almost bought one. I love it hahaha :D Later Julia joined us and we all went and ate cookies at Subway. Nicky gave me a goodbye present and then it was goodbye for good. I almost cried but at least then I managed to hold my tears back. Bethan, Nicky and Amanda left and now I can't wait until I see them next time. Julia walked with me to the bus station. We waited about ten minutes for my bus to come and we started talking about all our memories together, and then I couldn't hold my tears back anymore, I started crying like a baby. When the bus came we said goodbye and I was still crying when I sat down. I looked out the window, saw her walk away for the last time this year. Now I have one year before I see her again. After being with her everyday for a year, it is pretty hard to know she won't be sticking around anymore but THANK GOD for skype!!! LOL


Amanda, Love her to death <3

Us =D <3


  1. Lol giant babies

  2. I love the first pic. got a facebook...its addicting. ;)
