Wednesday 10 August 2011

2 questions, 2 answers

Anonymous said...
What the hell? Do u put make up on or something before u sleep? Hehe seriously even then u look perfect!
 hahaha aaw thats sweet :) <3 I definitely do not make-up on before I go to sleep, it is the other way around xD I take my make-up off.

Anonymous said...
"Then I'll live the entire year as if I were on vacation"
I really hope this is a joke for your sake.
 Why? It's like my dream to live the way I lived in Croatia. With all the getting-to-know-people and the parties and the laying by the pool all day. Ofc that isn't exactly how it is going to be in Kenya, I am going to have to study there and do other things too, I wouldn't want to bore myself with doing the same thing over and over again. What I meant was that it would be closer to having a vacation there then what I am having now...