Monday 4 July 2011


I know I should have done this a long time ago but I feel like I should have a little introduction. Write a bit about myself and my life and some things I have been through. I can start by saying that there is more to me than what I show on my blog. The past couple of years have not been easy for me and I only hope that it will all turn around soon. In a way it already has because I am better now than what I was before. Year 2009 was hell for me, problems crashing into each other here and there all the time. Most of the things are personal and is nothing that I am going to bring up here on my blog but there was even a life changing experience there and a knee operation on top of all that. That year was when I came into my teenage years. I started to experience guys and other things, I think all teenagers would know what I mean. I got trapped in between fake and real friends, not knowing who was who. It was all just hell. I am hoping for the best and that everything will turn out to be perfect for me when I move to Kenya, just like my life once were. When I was really little, I moved to Singapore with my family. Since I was so little, it is hard for me to remember everything that happened there. All I know is that it was home for me, it really was and that I would give it all to move back there. Both my parents worked and my siblings were in school. I spend my days with Imari who took care of me everyday for four years. Not only was she my friend but she became a big part of my life and still is today. Last November was the first time I saw her in eight years and not once have we ever lost contact. When I got a little older, we moved to Luxembourg. It wasn't horrible but it was nothing like Singapore. We lived there for two years before we moved to Sweden and spend three years here. I went to an International school in a place called Helsingborg. I LOVED IT. I lived next to amazing people and I got friends that will forever be in my memories but sadly enough not in my life. After living there, we moved back to Luxembourg. I got one friend that year, one and we still keep in contact. I was really happy when we moved to Zürich, I didn't really like Luxembourg. The first year in Zurich was awesome. I got good friends,I grew especially close to Astrid and Maria who are still my friends today. In 8th grade, I got my first boyfriend. A new girl, Lena moved to Zurich and we became friends directly. That was the year my entire life changed. That year was defined as hell. Even today, almost three years later, I can still wake up at night feeling horrified. Through my life, I have met a lot of people, and gotten a bunch of friends but to be honest, theres only two of them who will forever be in my life (that I am certain of), Olivia and Imari.


  1. Pheew, that was a long post. hmm...i'm sorry ur life sucked. it was like a life story, LOL.
