Tuesday 19 July 2011

Day 1

Heeey readers :) Today I have been busy busy busy. But it has been fun. I woke up around 9.30 with a good suprise. I opened the door, and my sister was standing right there. It was the first time I have seen her in several months so I got pretty happy. Together with our parents, we went down for breakfast at the hotel. When we were done and we had all gotten ready we went directly shopping. I bought two pairs of earrings, a ring, underwear and books. I'll show it all later. Then we went to look at different apartments for my sister since she is moving out of her house. Some where nicer than others. For lunch, we went to a nice resturant and we all ordered salad and as my dad helped my sister pack her things from her house, my mother and I no doubt went to my favourite place ever, STARBUCKS!!!! We came back to the hotel to rest for a bit and I read a bit more of the page-turning book I am reading atm, Safe Haven. I recommend it strongly. After some hours, we met up with my dad, sister and her friends and we all went to eat dinner at some resturant. I had pasta :) After that we went to see Harry Potter. I am a crybaby in all movies and since this is the last HP movie ever, it was extra emotional but just when the saddest part was happening, the man next to me farts and I get a laugh attack while everyone else is crying... haha oops. Oh well, now I am back at the hotel, and I'm about to read some more. Tomorrow is another long day. Nighty <3

1 comment:

  1. Sv: Ja, jag lyssnar ibland på låten jag gjorde till henne och bara låter mig svepas med bland alla funderingar jag har. Det känns fortfarande overkligt. TÄNK hur det känns för alla anhöriga?

    Tack själv för din komplimang! :)

    Aha okej, då förstår jag! Jävligt intressant måste jag säga. Ovanligt, men intressant.
