Sunday 22 May 2011


Yesterday the world was suppose to go under according to some man but guess what... I'm alive!! I spent my moments yesterday, the moments that was suppose to be my last haha with a few people from my school. Amanda and Julia were there and then some guys, Zach, Alex, Ivan and Michal. Nicky and Bethan joined us towards the end but then Amanda and I went over to my house. We got really hyper and then around 12-1ish Zach and two of his friends that I have never met before came over for a while. We just chilled on my trampolin and suuch :P Anyways, Amanda and I went to bed pretty late and now I am really tired. I have homework that I have to finish today cause tomorrow I AM GOING TO BUDAPEST !!! WOOHOO :P
                                                                      Julia and Amanda
                                           Julia and I with two random guys we met haha
                                                                          Amanda and I
                                                   Alex, Michal & Zach
                                                       Nicky, Alex & Michal
                                                       Pretty little Julia <3


  1. I broke out in hives two days ago; it sucks. so i didn't sleep at all last night and my brother came in at one from a movie, "Priest". He said it was cheesy. the worst thing about it is the burning. it burns at my skin like acid, and then it itches. Hate it

  2. hah aawe <33 I haven't seen it
