Tuesday 24 May 2011

Day 2

Today has been so much fun but soooo exhausting. I can barley feel my legs lol. Directly when we woke up we went to this café to eat breakfast. It was niiice. After that we went to take a tour bus which was almost 3 hours long. It was pretty relaxing but at some parts it got annoying. At one point, we got off the bus to buy I few things (I'll show later what I bought). Then we continued with the ride. Directly after that, we went to Burger King for a short while to eat lunch and then we went to visit an orphanage which was really touching but sad at times. There was one insulation room that we saw that almost gave me tears. We even got to meet some of the kids. After we got back, we had about an hour to chillax and stuff and then we went directly to a resturant. The dinner was HUGE so thank god Julia and I shared it. Then we went on a long walk again. Julia, Jesper, André and I sang the whole way lol :P Now we are sitting in mine and Julia's room and we are about to watch Remember Me with a few guys in our class.
Byee <3
                                                        Stunning Julia
                                                        Meeee !!
                                                                Patrick and Jesper
                                                         Jehan, Nils, Julia
                                                    Jesper and I
                                                       Jesper & Chris
                                                       Chris, Jehan, Patrick, Erik, Nils
                                                               Marta, Julia
                                                          Patrick & I
                                                           Nils in a gas mask...?
                                                               Marta & Julia
                                                                   Erik <3
                                                                 Julia, Jesper, Marta, Erik

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics. HOLY CHEESE!!! thats what i'm goin to say from now on. i'm making a brochure for a school project on india.
