Saturday 28 May 2011

Ask me

Lately, I have been getting a lot of questions. About my life, traveling, where I live, how old I am so I just thought that maybe I should just have this little question time. Ask any questions below here as a comment and I'll answer them tonight... remember, you don't need an account to comment :) so go ahead and ask me something.


  1. It sounds like you don't like Sweden, why's that? I liked it when I was there. I read somewhere about your best friend, do you have any other best friends?

  2. what do u wanna do after studenten? any plans of what u wanna become?
    får man ta en läsarfika? haha när kommer du till stockholm???

    förlåt för så många frågor ^^:P

  3. Why doesn't a cutie like yourself have a boyfriend? Do you prefer staying home or go out to parties on a Saturday night?

  4. @I am nameless- that's an interesting question. you go to a lot of blogs that i do... creepy...stalkers.

    @martawiberg-thats an osum picture of you. I'm really depressed right now so i might not be posting for a while...

  5. i heard your REALLY good at singing, can u PLEASE put a video up of you singing!!!!?

  6. whats up girl? How long have you been a fan of Michael Jackson? Do you remember the day he died? What did you do and how did you react? What is the best vacation you have ever been on? Do you like skiing or do you only go on sunny vacay's? Be good now <3

  7. what is the best advice you would give someone who is going through a difficult time?

  8. it seems like you live alone?? do you??

  9. When will you meet me!?
    When are you going to England, I know that it's in July, but which date?
    DON'T MOVE AWAY FROM SWEDEN! Not without me anyway ;) Lots of love! <3

  10. I have one more question... =)
    When I read your blog and looked under your photos I saw that you wrote "Marta & ...." And ".... & I" Why don't you just write Marta or me and I everytime? It's confusing!

  11. What are five words you would use to describe yourself? (:

  12. are you honest on this blog?

  13. wat kinda person do ya see urself as
