Thursday 26 May 2011

Day 4

Today was our second last day :( We are leaving tomorrow! I don't want to go!!!! This has been the best class trip ever! Anyways, today we went to this coffee shop for breakfast and I took this chocolate drink that was soooooo delish!!! When we all finished, we went to a museum about the 20th century. Some things were really touching 'cause there was old toys and stuff. We didn't stay too long but it was enough. After that, we went to this super market where they sold traditional Hungarian food and souveniers. I bought a pair of earrings and this amazing hungarian food. Then Julia and I went a bit to a main street to look in some stores, I ended up buying a top and a perfume from Zara but when we were going to go back to the hostel, we got completely lost and ended up at a ghetto street hahaha. There were tons of drunk people around us and when we tried asking an older woman for directions, she started yelling at us in Hungarian :P lol !! An hour later, we found the hostel... It took forever and we were both annoyed and tired but now we can laugh at it. Then, the last thing we did but also the best, we went to this huge water park with like 50 different pools. It was sooooo much fun and I didn't want to leave. But when we got back, we had abiut half an hour before we had to leave for dinner. Julia and I put on really loud music and started dancing around the room. LOL! Then it was dinner, I had pasta with tuna while everyone else had pizza. Honestly, it wasn't that good but it was too bad either. We ended the night by walking around the city a little. Now we have to pack because tomorrow we are going back to Sweden :( buhuu...
                                                                  ME :D
                                                                         Julez <3
                                                                     Marta & Julia <3
                                                              aaaw <3
                                                              Marta & Erik <3
                                                                Julia & I
                                                               a part of pool
                                                                      Look at my tan :D
                                                                   Nick & I
                                                                A few guys in my class
                                                                   Jesper <3
                                                                         Marta & Jesper
                                                                        Linus & André
                                                                          Chris and Patrick
                                                          My class <3


  1. You take a lot of pictures. where are you going next?

  2. Zurich on Thursday and London in July :)
