Monday 27 June 2011

Opinions don't matter unless it's your own

xxx said...
as a girl i can tell u that u r probably the prettiest person i have ever seen. how do u do it?  N'aaw, this might just be the sweetest comment I have ever gotten. Thank you so much :) I don't know how I do it :P I was born this way hehe <3
Betty said...
hi you seem like a very sweet and honest person and i am kind off insecure and stuff so i am just wondering how u think a girl should look? what is the perfect body? do u prefer skinny or curvy? do u have any advice on how i could feel better about my body and the way i look? i would be thankful for answers  Thank you so much. Honestly I am pretty insecure about my body aswell so I can tell you that you are not alone. Your questions are a little hard to answer because I think that it is different for everyone girl. Some look good as thinner and some look good as curvy. It all depends on bone structure etc. If I should choose for myself however, I would probably choose to have some curves. I think it looks good. I like big boobs and some "junk in the trunk" if you know what I mean, but it like I said, it is different for everyone. Since I am insecure too, I don't know if I am the best person to ask for advice on this but it is like the title says, "opinions don't matter unless it's your own". So just live with the body you feel most comfortable with. There is no shame in loosing or gaining weight although sometimes it gets too much. Just be yourself on the outside and inside :)
That's hot!


  1. Actually that's kinda scary looking. I'd never do anythin like that. My advice? Stay a nerd. LOL best way. ;)

  2. um what? but even nerds have different body shapes

    thanks marta. ill try to not think about it. you have a good body so no need 4 u 2 b insecure

  3. Just don't be the type of nerd who's really fat, or super skinny. In the middle, like me, and I attract plenty of guys though I don't really need it at the age of 12. Just whatever makes u feel comfortable. :)
