Friday 10 June 2011

It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside

This is going to be a pretty personal message but I feel like I need to write down some feelings and such, not something I do very often.

I get so angry at people who think that they are so much better than everyone else. There is no such thing as perfect, nobody is perfect and pushing other people down, makes even less perfect. What's the point? Why do some people think it is cool to make other people feel bad? How do they seriously sleep at night? Everyone makes mistakes and everyone makes bad decisions. There is nobody in the entire world who can do everything better than anyone else. One thing that makes me so angry that I don't know what to do is when others criticise how other people look or are as a person. Fat, skinny, short, tall, talketive, silent, it doesn't matter. There is absolutly no such thing as "ugly" 'cause who decides what's really ugly? Who decides what isn't? If there is no beauty in someone from your eyes, doesn't mean that the beauty isn't there. Honestly, no matter how bad I should feel for the people being bullied (which I do, I feel horrible for them), I feel even worse for the bullies because they actually have this disgusting nerve to bring someone down. It makes them "ugly" and pulls them even further away from perfect. There is just no point in it.

I wanna warn all people out there, especially the teenage girls because I know exactly how it feels to be criticised; know who to trust, cause the one who is suppose to be your best friend, might one day turn in to the person you wish to never see again. It isn't easy finding the true friends and there will always be a time in life when everything feels hopeless but everything will turn out the way it should. ALWAYS. Believe in yourself before you believe in anyone else.

Here is a picture of one of those few people that I know I can trust to 100%.
Olivia, thank you for always being there, I love you <3

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