Sunday 14 November 2010

I'm not dead...

Just want to let you all know that I am alive. The reason why I have not been blogging so much is because I have had some problems with my internet and I will probably not blog as much until it is completely fixed. Anyways, Sunday today. I have had a pretty good weekend, I just wished it were longer. Friday, I went to town with Julia and Danielle. We ate at Pizza Hut. That was fun. Yesturday, I didn't do much. Rented a couple dvd's and just chilled. In about an hour, I am taking the bus to town because Danielle and I are going to the cinema. Saw3D... SCARY! and hopefully I will be able to convince Danielle to make a blog hehe...

well ttyl!(I hope)

1 comment:

  1. She NEEDS to make a blog!!!!!!!!!
    Have fun, LOVE YA<3
