Monday 31 October 2011

Monday the 31st of October

Today is soooo boring. Yes, it is good that we get to go to Junction again! But everyone is so depressed because this guy got expelled and had to leave school last night, one of the friendliest people I have ever met, not that we ever were that close. It is a pity. It took time for me to fall asleep last night so I am really tired today. I had two lessons today and I've also worked on my christmas list, going to Sweden for christmas, I can't wait to see my friends. I miss them terribly... If anyone has a good song they know, please tell me 'cause it feels like I have heard every song at least 100 times.
Linnea and I, a rainy day that was taken like a week before I moved. Miss her <3


  1. Jag saknar dig med!! Men jag har inte fått ditt sms ännu :((( Det blev nog något fel. Du anar inte hur glad jag är över att du kommer hem till jul. <33

  2. Glömde en bra sång; The life - Hinder :)
