Tuesday 20 December 2011

Smile though your heart is aching, smile even though its breaking

I phone call from Julia woke me up this morning. She asked me to come to town but since I was asleep, I told her that I would call her when I am ready. I fell asleep again and woke up around 12.15. Then I gave Julia a call but she told me that she couldn't hang out anymore because her mother was making her go to Copenhagen for the day. So I continues sleeping a little longer. Then my bestest friend Olivia came over to my house, it was sooooo nice to see her. We went to town and browsed around a little in stores. We tried on a bunch of perfumes haha. We bumped into Amanda and some people from my old school. Then Jesper came, and Olivia went home. Jesper and I went to Espresso House and sat there for like 2 hours just gossyping and talking about life. Then I took the bus home and now I am chatting with Bethan about different ways to celebrate Christmas.
   In my family, we celebrate it with waking up in the morning, eating pourage for breakfast and listens to Christmas song's. Then we dress up nice and go over to my grandparents where all my cousins will be found. We all watch Donald Duck and just hang out. After that we all eat dinner, like ham and meatballs and stuff like that. After that, Santa will come and give us all a small present each and after he leaves, we open the bigger presents from under the tree. After that, we play something called the christmas present game where we have to roll a dice and if you get a one or a six, you get to take a gift and then we have 10 minutes to try to steal as many gifts as possible. Then we eat desert and go home, watch a Christmas movie, usually Love Actually before we go to bed. This also happens on the 24th.
How do you guys celebrate Christmas??!!!

1 comment:

  1. really? we celebrate on the 25th with santa coming so early in the morning, we are not awake and he puts our small gifts in a stocking and the bigger ones right under the tree and we open them all right before breakfast and we spend the day using all our gifts. we eat ham and stuff though for dinner and pouradge for desert ;)
