Sunday 11 December 2011

3 pictures from yesterday

Last night was just amazingly awesome, you got no idea. At school, we had a nobel dinner where I go to be the host. I told everyone what was on the menu, held speeches and gave out awards. Then, I went to Anna's room and changed clothes. Anna, Yanjaa, Emilia and I all went to Junction and just kind off hung out there. We were going to go to Fro's house and told me that she wants to go out, so we all went to this AMAZING event at a nightclub called Misteltoe. Anna and I got in for free + VIP tickets since we know many of the people working there but I couldn't get in the others for free though. I danced up on stage with the DJ's all night while the entire club had to be on the dancefloor. It was the sickest night of my life. Then we went over to Fro's and slept over. Since we don't have school tomorrow, we are going out tonight again; to a new place but this time, probably taking it a little chiller HAHA :D


  1. yo do party more in kenya then u do i back in sweden am i correct?

  2. We got in for free cutie! <3 var bara tvungen att säga det...tönt som jag är...
