Friday 3 December 2010

You say you're lovin' but you don't love me

  1. What is your favorite color? Pink ofc ;)
  2. Are you a heavy or light sleeper? HEAVY
  3. What is your biggest fear? Bee's and fire
  4. Name your most favorite time of the year? Birthday and christmas
  5. Ever had an imaginary friend as a child? Yeaah :P hahaha
  6. Ever been in a physical fight? If yes how many and who were they with? NO :O I'm nice :)
  7. Are you a morning person? Deffooo not!
  8. What are your most favorite and least favorite foods? I like thai food a lot and I hate apple pie haha
  9. Do you have tattoos or piercings? If yes, how many and where are they? Only piercings in my ears but I will get one more and when I turn eighteen, I am getting tattoo's
  10. What is/was your least favorite subject in school? My favorite is music and my least favorite is physics
  11. Do you take showers in the morning or at night more? Night :P
  12. What are the most important 3 things in your life? My best friend (s), Kalle Kanin (a memory from my childhood), music
  13. Are you a dog or a cat person? Dog but I'm allergic :P

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