Thursday 9 February 2012

Just a chance to be honest with myself

My heroes:
1. Michael Jackson
2. Many other artists (Tracy Chapman, John Lennon, Eminem and many more because of their lyrics)
3. My mother
4. The Breakfast club gang

Someone I can always talk to:
My best friends: Julia and Olivia

A wish for the world:
I have so many;  every country, place, town etc would have gay rights, I guess.

Something that puts me in a better mood:
Michael Jackson songs, TV-series, drawing, writing,  just music in general

A happy day:
One day when I was 15, I had just landed in Stockholm and was going to go back to my old boarding school but I had the entire day to kill so I just went into town and spent the entire day alone. I ate lunch at a taco bar and went to the cinema. I just thought about stuff and yeah, it was a good day.

Something that would make you so happy, it would give you tears:
Have Michael Jackson standing right infront of me, on stage singing.

Something you hate more than anything:
When people leave for no reason

Biggest fear:
Broken heart, I guess


  1. Tack! Puss Mamma

  2. hihiiii I love ya too much babi <3 julez the rulez
