Wednesday 25 January 2012

Chillax Day

Today, I've had like zero lessons, which is nice eventhough this isn't the greatest day. Last night, we all found out that one girl from the boarding school had to be sent back to Sweden because of extreme eating disorders and other things that I am not going into detail on. There were lots of tears because this girl decided not to say goodbye to anyone, because she was already sad enough as it was. Then another girl, told us that she will be moving into one of our teachers, who's also a therapist because being a boarding student has caused problems for her, so from now on, she will no longer be a boarding student, which is really sad. Anyways, we didn't have the first lesson because that teacher is flying to Sweden with the girl who had to go back. Then after lunch, no history because it is all kind off just free work and then I end. Very Niiiiice :D but still, a sad day :(
An old picture from the giraff center!!

1 comment:

  1. Glöm inte att plugga, när du har ledig tid. Det kan man i te få för mycket av, både plugg och fritid. Puss på dig
