Heyaaalll :)) Had a crazy night last night :D haha. I went to Nicky's house for a sleepover together with Bethan and Amanda. It was seriously so much fun. I don't think I have bought that much junk food in my entire life nor have I had that many laugh attacks in a row before. Any how, besides all of the personal stuff, we watched two movies; "The exorcism of Emily Rose" and "The Hot Chick". The first one was a horror but honestly, I kinda laughed at many parts while the people around me got really scared hehe. The other movie was just really good just like it is everytime :D haha :P We stayed up until 5.15 and I wasn't even tired when we went to bed. When we woke up, we ate breakfast and then we went to this huge field 'cause Nicky was going to play Austrailian football. Amanda and I watch a little sometimes but then we met Zach and Ivan and we went for ice cream. Now I have a huuuuge stomach ache and I am just totally exhausted. I will update later again with pictures and stuff. Big kiss <3

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