Been pulled over?
No, I can't drive
Dyed your hair?
Yes !
Pulled an all-nighter?
Oh hell yeah
Baked a cake?
um... yeah
Fallen down in public?
Been caught making out?
By who..?
Opened christmas presents early?
Not that I can remember
Broken a bone?
No, only dislocated and a lot of other things
Had braces?
no but I find it cute
Gone skinny dipping?
Ew god no
Built something out of wood?
I made a wooden heart once
Been to Disneyland?
Yeah, in Paris
Eaten a Krispy Kreme donut?
Screamed during a scary movie?
Yeah I have... Everytime
Showered with someone of the opposite sex?
Been to a professional sporting event?
I have been to NECIS... don't know if that counts
Slept till noon?
I am the master at that
Been arrested?
no :)
nice list. Haven't done most of them, but whatev. I found this amazing band i might be going to see in august in marysville. its called Black Veil Brides. oh, im sad, my friend reno is moving to idaho, and he was the one who introduced me to them. *sob* on the inside he wasn't really that strange.