This weekend has been just great. On Friday, which was also Esme's birthday, we went to see Breaking Dawn and then we went out to the club called Que Pasa. Esme and Anna both sleptover in my room. Yesterday, Anna, Emilia, Yanjaa, Alice and I went to Art Café, I didn't eat anything however. After that we all got dressed up and went to The Loft which is the best club here (in my opinion). It was so awesome. There were loads of people in my age and I danced and flirted with the DJ haha. We got to stay out later than usual too which was pretty awesome. Anna slept over in my room, we spent the rest of the night talking. We woke up around 11 today and at 12 we went to the mamba center where we could see crocodiles and hold the babies but I was really scared haha. There was also a Christmas market there so I bought some more Christmas presents. It is like 3 and a half more weeks until Christmas, time flies... I can't wait for Christmas. Going to be in Zurich and Sweden during the holiday. It's going to be so great to meet my friends and family again :)

Lovisa and I :)
My darling Emilia and I at Art Café <3
Some random picture of me haha
A really retarded picture of Esme and I from Friday while we were eating dinner hahaha
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