SO yesterday, I had the scariest 5 minutes of my life, and the best five seconds of my life. However, I'm in such a bad mood right now as you could see in the last post, so I don't really care but I'm going to tell you all readers about it anyways. Yesterday, I went, together with the school, to something called team-building and spent the night. The point of this was so all of us could get to know each other better. We stayed at a hotel, not a fancy one but it was ok. We all got into different groups and did some activities. Some of them were lame but others were pretty fun. Then after lunch, was scary and shiiit, it was just reaaallly scary haha... There was this thing 20 meters up in the air with six small wooden platters. Two people went up at the same time, and they had to jump from platter to platter. I am soooooooo afraid of hights, but I decided to do it anyways. Just when I got up there, my heart started to pound really fast, and sweat started running. It didn't matter that there was a rope around me and it would be impossible for me to fall, I still felt the tears filling up my eyes. I managed to do it though (NEVER AGAIN) but I couldn't stop shaking for twenty minutes. After dinner, everyone could try any activity they would like too. I did one when you got a rope around you that was attached to some machine, and what I had to do was just to run and then I would start flying up in the air. At first, I wasn't sure if I wanted to since I got so scared from the other activity but I sure got happy that I did it. I could see everything from up there, it was amazing, I felt like I was flying and I could have been up there forever. It was so amazing, much more amazing than it looks from the video that Anna took. Now however, am I tired and sunburned but I'm gonna study a little and then shower and then watch a movie, I start at 11 tomorrow thank god!!!!

I'm walking up to the things 20 meters up =O
Yanjaa and I in the air
africa seems so cool