Yesterday was so great. The best day and night in a long time. So my friends (the same people I went to the nightclub last week with) and I went to a place called Helsingborg where I actually use to live for a couple years when I was younger. Anyways, it was a festival there. We walked around and just hung out. One of my friends and I entered a compition and for the price, we got to design our own bags. Julia left early however and the rest of us stayed and went to Eric Saade's concert. If you guys don't know him, it is the guy who went to Eurovision song contest for Sweden. Came 3rd, pretty good. Anyways, the most attractive man ever hahaha. I also bumped into an old friend of mine. He went in my class when I was younger. Then I also met Filippa unexpectingly if you remember her? I came home around 2-2.30 in the morning or night or whatever it is. My computer is still broken so I am using my sisters but I am probably not going to blog that much now when my computer is dead.

haha look what the rain did to my shirt xD
Eric... HOTTEST guy ever!!
rofl last picture.