1) My mother because she always knows what to do
2) My best friend Olivia, because she always has the guts to be herself
3) Michael Jackson because he writes music that inspires me
Three things you would like to change about yourself/your life:
1) My age; hate teenage life
2) I wish I still had a couple of people in my life who I have lost through my life
3) I wish I was more sure about myself
Three people/places you miss:
1. Imarie
2. a home
3. Too many to name them all
Three things you like about yourself:
1) That I know I will always be there for my friends
2) I help those in need
3) I can "put myself in another person's shoes" if that makes sense haha
Three things you have achieved within the past three years:
1)I have gotten out of my "teenage" years (as a person, not the age)
2) I take responsibility of my own actions
3) I take other people before myself (which I did before)
Three things you don't like in people:
1) When people are judgemental
2) When people can't stand for their own opinions
3) I hate it when people think they are better than others

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