Gossip Girl: Chuck and Blair
Vampire Diaries: I don't watch the show
90210: In the new one it's Dixon and Silver and in the old one it's Donna and David.
That 70's Show: Kelso and Jackie
Friends: Ross and Rachel
Favourite Character:
Gossip Girl: Chuck Bass
Vampire Diaries: ---
90210: Silver in the new one and David in the old one
That 70's show: Kelso, Fez, Jackie
Friends: Joey
Worse Thing:
Gossip Girl: That Dan and Blair got a "thing"
Vampire Diaries: ---
90210: In the new one it's the fact that Silver and Dixon remain friends and that Ethan left the show. In the old one it's when Dylan and Kelly got together
That 70's Show: The fact that Eric and Kelso leave in the 8th season
Friends: I don't know the show well enough

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