You say you're lovin' but you don't love me

- What is your favorite color? Pink ofc ;)
- Are you a heavy or light sleeper? HEAVY
- What is your biggest fear? Bee's and fire
- Name your most favorite time of the year? Birthday and christmas
- Ever had an imaginary friend as a child? Yeaah :P hahaha
- Ever been in a physical fight? If yes how many and who were they with? NO :O I'm nice :)
- Are you a morning person? Deffooo not!
- What are your most favorite and least favorite foods? I like thai food a lot and I hate apple pie haha
- Do you have tattoos or piercings? If yes, how many and where are they? Only piercings in my ears but I will get one more and when I turn eighteen, I am getting tattoo's
- What is/was your least favorite subject in school? My favorite is music and my least favorite is physics
- Do you take showers in the morning or at night more? Night :P
- What are the most important 3 things in your life? My best friend (s), Kalle Kanin (a memory from my childhood), music
- Are you a dog or a cat person? Dog but I'm allergic :P
ehh... is it only coz we have Mathias for physics??